
Seminar: Hands on – Work for Sustainability – Environmental Education – Good Practices in Almada – 19th November

On the 19th of November, in the auditorium of the Agrupamento de Escolas da Caparica, the 1st session of the Seminar: Hands on – Work for Sustainability took place under the topic “Environmental Education – Good Practices in Almada”. This project, promoted by Almada Mundo Association in partnership with the Municipality of Almada, aimed to develop good practices for protecting the environment and raising awareness in the educational community for the preservation of the environment.

Several schools presented their environmental education and environmental protection projects. Our school was represented by the School Director, Carlos Almeida and Assistant Director Mafalda Rodrigues. Along with other schools, a summary of the projects developed by our school in the field of environmental protection was presented, for example, the participation in the Eco-Escolas project, the participation in the Heróis do Oceano project, among others of equal relevance.

The students from 12th grade, E class, attended the Seminar and dealt with this theme under the topic of consumerism and ethical/fair trade in our English classes.

Class E, 12th Grade

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